Joanne Thomson, Artist
November 8, 2024.
Well that was a successful launch! Thank you to everyone who came out, everyone who sent regrets, Jenna from Munro's Books who did a wonderful job of selling books and Lara Kordic, Heritage House Publishing's Editorial Director for saying yes to the book and helping me celebrate it's release. Kate Cino of Art Openings has posted some images from the launch and a bit about me here.
Coming up soon is the artist talk at the Sooke Museum. Saturday November 9th at 2 pm. It is outdoors, covered, but likely cool, so dress for the weather, and make time to visit their wonderful museum and gift shop too. j
Well that was a successful launch! Thank you to everyone who came out, everyone who sent regrets, Jenna from Munro's Books who did a wonderful job of selling books and Lara Kordic, Heritage House Publishing's Editorial Director for saying yes to the book and helping me celebrate it's release. Kate Cino of Art Openings has posted some images from the launch and a bit about me here.
Coming up soon is the artist talk at the Sooke Museum. Saturday November 9th at 2 pm. It is outdoors, covered, but likely cool, so dress for the weather, and make time to visit their wonderful museum and gift shop too. j

October 15, 2024
300 Mason Jars have arrived in Canada and is set for release on October 29. I have seen it and it is quite lovely (if I do say so myself). I'm working with Monica from Heritage House publishing to put together some events to launch the book. The first two confirmed are:
1. The Official Book Launch in the Kearley Room at the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria on Thursday, November 7th between 4 and 6 PM. I'll organize the presentations to happen close to 4, 5, and 6 PM so you can choose when to come depending on your own schedule.( turn right just past the gift shop. The Kearley room is near the Art rentals section. In the mansion).
2. Author talk and presentation at the Sooke Museum on Saturday November 9 at 3 PM. This is part of the Sooke Museum's author series
it is free! Books will be available in the gift shop and they hold a nice collection of my cards too.
I'll update on how the other invitations firm up- there will likely be a few more in November and then they'll start up again in the new year. Great interest so far bookstores and small museums.
300 Mason Jars have arrived in Canada and is set for release on October 29. I have seen it and it is quite lovely (if I do say so myself). I'm working with Monica from Heritage House publishing to put together some events to launch the book. The first two confirmed are:
1. The Official Book Launch in the Kearley Room at the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria on Thursday, November 7th between 4 and 6 PM. I'll organize the presentations to happen close to 4, 5, and 6 PM so you can choose when to come depending on your own schedule.( turn right just past the gift shop. The Kearley room is near the Art rentals section. In the mansion).
2. Author talk and presentation at the Sooke Museum on Saturday November 9 at 3 PM. This is part of the Sooke Museum's author series
it is free! Books will be available in the gift shop and they hold a nice collection of my cards too.
I'll update on how the other invitations firm up- there will likely be a few more in November and then they'll start up again in the new year. Great interest so far bookstores and small museums.
July 2024
The book is off to the printers and I am working on the plan for promoting it in book stores. It has been quite a journey so far! The Paint In was a fabulous event again. Thanks for stopping by and supporting me and showing enthusiasm for the book.
I am also working to get an Etsy site up and running to promote my mandala series. It will be called Linesincircles. I'll put a link here once it is up and running. j
The book is off to the printers and I am working on the plan for promoting it in book stores. It has been quite a journey so far! The Paint In was a fabulous event again. Thanks for stopping by and supporting me and showing enthusiasm for the book.
I am also working to get an Etsy site up and running to promote my mandala series. It will be called Linesincircles. I'll put a link here once it is up and running. j
March 4, 2024
I have big news. Over the past couple of years my daughter, Elizabeth Thomson, and I have been working up the Mason Jar series into a manuscript to submit to publishers. We finished it last fall and I submitted it and it has been accepted as a proof of concept by Heritage House Publishers. Now I am working with an editor and designer to create a book to be released in the Fall of this year! It all happened much faster than I expected.
By some sort of miracle I have scans of all but one of paintings. Mason Jar 232-233 with Blue Eyed Mary and Star Flower is the only missing image for the planned Mason Jar book. I think it sold from the Martin Bachelor Gallery. Is there any chance you have it and would let me scan it for inclusion in the book? Please go to the contact page and let me know if you do and are willing!
There are two I did in protest and decided not to include. I had been rejected by the Sooke Fine Arts Show jurors with images from the series so decided to test the jurors the next year by putting cell phones in mason jars and see if that was trendy enough. It was. However they don't really fit with the series. So I have painted the image above to replace them. Last year Elizabeth and I made jam together and at Christmas I received these beautiful jars of red and green pepper jellies. The fourth generation is now canning!
I'll post updates of the book as I get them. The cover will likely be ready first.
And thanks for all the support you have offered over the years both emotionally and financially. It is wonderful to have patrons, clients and friends like you. Joanne
I have big news. Over the past couple of years my daughter, Elizabeth Thomson, and I have been working up the Mason Jar series into a manuscript to submit to publishers. We finished it last fall and I submitted it and it has been accepted as a proof of concept by Heritage House Publishers. Now I am working with an editor and designer to create a book to be released in the Fall of this year! It all happened much faster than I expected.
By some sort of miracle I have scans of all but one of paintings. Mason Jar 232-233 with Blue Eyed Mary and Star Flower is the only missing image for the planned Mason Jar book. I think it sold from the Martin Bachelor Gallery. Is there any chance you have it and would let me scan it for inclusion in the book? Please go to the contact page and let me know if you do and are willing!
There are two I did in protest and decided not to include. I had been rejected by the Sooke Fine Arts Show jurors with images from the series so decided to test the jurors the next year by putting cell phones in mason jars and see if that was trendy enough. It was. However they don't really fit with the series. So I have painted the image above to replace them. Last year Elizabeth and I made jam together and at Christmas I received these beautiful jars of red and green pepper jellies. The fourth generation is now canning!
I'll post updates of the book as I get them. The cover will likely be ready first.
And thanks for all the support you have offered over the years both emotionally and financially. It is wonderful to have patrons, clients and friends like you. Joanne
December 7, 2022
Thank you to everyone who came to my exhibition in November to view, purchase and enjoy the paintings. It was great to see them all up in one place again. Those of you who took some home with you, it is good to know they have gone to great homes!
I promise I'll get working on the book again in the New Year.
Thank you to everyone who came to my exhibition in November to view, purchase and enjoy the paintings. It was great to see them all up in one place again. Those of you who took some home with you, it is good to know they have gone to great homes!
I promise I'll get working on the book again in the New Year.
Wow! Summer is almost over. I have been drawing, drawing and drawing all summer. Mostly mandalas and wild plants. It has been a surprize that line rather than colour has captured me and a welcome one. Here are a few examples. (August 21, 2022)
MOVING INTO SPRING: The Forest Drawing courses at UVic were a hit in March so I have decided to move them into the forest in May as well. These are short- 3 hour- courses to help you connect with nature in a new way. A quiet way. A sitting and looking and gently moving your pen or pencil on the paper with the aim of getting to know the being you are drawing (usually non-sentient) and not with having a finished drawing at the end. It is about connection. I'll put dates in my newsletter (you can sign up on the contact page) and will send out locations out to those registered. Joanne (April 22, 2022)
The show is down. Thanks to everyone who came by. It was quite an experience to see how differently these works were perceived in 2022 than in previous exhibitions. Thanks again.
March 8 - 28, 2022
It's Going to be Okay Selections from the Bottled Series by Joanne Thomson Cedar Hill Recreation Centre Main Gallery 3220 Cedar Hill Rd, Victoria, BC V8P 3Y3 March 8 - 28, 2022. Humans of all genders will find themselves represented in the Bottled Series. It is about living with limits and is very apt for the current world situation. Created over a 25-year period the series represents Thomson’s struggles with internalized and external oppressions. Her simple figures tell stories that are both comical and contemplative. Bright colours lure the viewer into the works where they are surprised by delightful and sometimes alarming human interactions. The title of the show is “It’s going to be okay” because it is. It took Thomson 15 years of working with these images to finally get out of the “bottle” and stay out. We will get through this crisis too. It will take time and it will be painful, but it will finally be okay at some point. The show opens on international Women’s Day 2022, which is quite poignant as the first Bottled Women paintings were exhibited on International Women’s Day in 1997. (You can access the gallery whenever the rec centre is open, the lights will come on when you open the gallery doors.) |
November 2021. Wow that went fast. Sorry to be so remiss in updating this site. I have been enjoying my sabbatical from teaching and have been painting up several storms on paper. Life is good. Percy (my cat) and I have been out camping so many of my works are forest in nature. I've also sold quite a few large works so I'll update that page now.
If you want more frequent updates please sign up for my newsletter. I send it out more often than I update this site.
If you want more frequent updates please sign up for my newsletter. I send it out more often than I update this site.
November 10, 2020,
I've been busy adapting to on line teaching and making teaching videos. Here are the latest- these ones are free others are just for students. I hope you enjoy them.
A time-lapse glass painting demo illustrated above
And a few more: a time-lapse of an arbutus painting
And a free lesson on colour mixing.
I've been busy adapting to on line teaching and making teaching videos. Here are the latest- these ones are free others are just for students. I hope you enjoy them.
A time-lapse glass painting demo illustrated above
And a few more: a time-lapse of an arbutus painting
And a free lesson on colour mixing.
August 4, 2020 UVic Continuing Studies Calendar is now on line offering 5 one day watercolour courses with me in the fall. These are face to face (masked and physically distanced appropriate to COVID 19 requirements) and all materials supplied. Click here for more info.
I'll be offering some distance courses from my home studio in the Fall too.
I have had a poster of some of my mason jar paintings accepted for the Victoria Bus Kiosk displays this fall.
And I finished the illustrations for Sammy's Adventures: a snails tale. So things are happening this summer. Just more calmly than usual.
I'll be offering some distance courses from my home studio in the Fall too.
I have had a poster of some of my mason jar paintings accepted for the Victoria Bus Kiosk displays this fall.
And I finished the illustrations for Sammy's Adventures: a snails tale. So things are happening this summer. Just more calmly than usual.
June 15th, 2020 The THOMSON UNDERSTOREY FOUNDATION (TUF) is now officially a registered society. Thanks to everyone who participated in the start-up event (Mosses and lichens). Go to the TUF page for outdoor offerings during this time of physical distancing. If you are not an artist and want to contribute you can purchase one of my drawings or paintings of understorey plants also shown on the TUF page.
Free Stuff to do during the stay at home time.
Two more videos for your drawing pleasure. Drawing a Mandala and Drawing a Labyrinth.
Another Video up. Mirror Drawing Revisited with Joanne Thomson - shows some of the applications for the technique. I think I am flattening the technological curve. They are getting easier to convert and upload. Joanne
WILDFLOWER COLOURING BOOK is up and free on the Victoria Natural History website publications page. Here is a link. Twenty one local wild flowers to choose from. Use them for colouring, embroidery, print them onto watercolour paper fun size or reduced. Play with them. I'd be happy to see what you create too.
Here is a link on this site too! Such a curve of learning. Wild flowers of Vancouver Island Colouring book pages.
Here is a link on this site too! Such a curve of learning. Wild flowers of Vancouver Island Colouring book pages.
March 31, 2020 I have put some videos up on line: Drawing for relaxation- for those still working to take care of us and for anyone who always said they wanted to learn to draw but didn't have the time or opportunity, now is your time and opportunity. I have made and am making some short lessons on Drawing. Four have been uploaded now. More to come. It has been a steep learning curve, but I am getting faster at it. I hope you'll try them and let me know what you want to learn next and I'll see what I can put together for that. Here are the links.
Mirror Drawing with Joanne Thomson
Blind Contour Drawing with Joanne Thomson
Contour drawing with Joanne Thomson
Contour drawing demonstration with Joanne Thomson
March 31, 2020 I have put some videos up on line: Drawing for relaxation- for those still working to take care of us and for anyone who always said they wanted to learn to draw but didn't have the time or opportunity, now is your time and opportunity. I have made and am making some short lessons on Drawing. Four have been uploaded now. More to come. It has been a steep learning curve, but I am getting faster at it. I hope you'll try them and let me know what you want to learn next and I'll see what I can put together for that. Here are the links.
Mirror Drawing with Joanne Thomson
Blind Contour Drawing with Joanne Thomson
Contour drawing with Joanne Thomson
Contour drawing demonstration with Joanne Thomson

The Mason Jar Series is up at the Old School House Arts Centre in Qualicum Beach until March 15 2020. There are 142 pieces in the exhibition, filling the space beautifully. If you get a chance to go in and see it you'll really get a feeling of the series (though the entire series has 272 paintings (for a total of 300 mason jars and artifacts painted with watercolour on paper.
COMING SOON: Cancelled due to COVID-19 precautions
Wood and Water: tranquil moments travels to Port Alberni at the Rollins Art Centre April 8 – May 2, 2020
Artist Reception Saturday April 18, 1-2 p.m. Easy mini paintings workshop from 10 - 4 pm. (with a break for lunch and the artist reception).
COMING SOON: Cancelled due to COVID-19 precautions
Wood and Water: tranquil moments travels to Port Alberni at the Rollins Art Centre April 8 – May 2, 2020
Artist Reception Saturday April 18, 1-2 p.m. Easy mini paintings workshop from 10 - 4 pm. (with a break for lunch and the artist reception).
Wood and Water: tranquil moments
The reception to the works was quite wonderful. People reacted with a sense of calm and serenity! The show is down now and going up in Port Alberni in April 2020
October 22 - November 10, 2019 "WOOD and WATER: tranquil moments" at the Cedarhill Arts Centre in Saanich/Victoria
I am almost ready for the exhibition. Tags made, signage finished, paintings packaged and waiting to be hung. I say almost, because I almost always forget something. I have 9 students and former students participating and bringing a wonderful variety of works to share. Mine will be forest landscapes- large and small- and a selection of my mason jar paintings about wood and wood working. Here is the invite:
August 2019
As I get ready for my October exhibition "Wood and Water" I have been getting outdoors as much as possible. In August I'll share my process of information gathering with walks at Mary Lake Nature Sanctuary in the Highlands. You can sign up to join me on their facebook page. Sunday August 25th 1, 2 and 3 pm. Donations to Mary Lake. It will be fun and very beautiful. (There will also be walks in November and December).
July 2019

Finally a cool day so I can update this site instead of watering the garden or paddling on a lake or painting in the beautiful light coming in the windows! July was wonderful with camping, paddling, the AGGV Paint-In and Painting! Here are some images from the Paint-In. It was so busy that I didn't get a chance to take photos so the serene look is because the event was over and I wanted to finish a leaf in the painting.. Over thousand people signed the "put yourself in nature' piece including the Dame and her entourage and a late drive by signing!
May 2019
Ahh, Spring is here and I am getting the allotment garden ready to plant, working furiously on the Mason Jar series and some new large canvases are finally sealed with the dry weather allowing me to go outside for that. I'll be doing fewer markets this summer as I get ready for some exhibitions in the Autumn. The main one being a show at Cedar Hill Arts Centre called "Wood and Water" it will feature works about the forest and the waters in it as well as many mason jar paintings focused on wood and wood working. I am excited and hope you will enjoy it.
April 2019
Many of you know my passion for the Garry Oak Ecosystem. This mural is 3 feet by 6 feet so that it can be portable and taken to education events put on by Habitat Acquisition Trust - a local land trust that I support. It was completed with volunteer assistance and now hangs in the HAT office.
January 2019
The year 2018 passed quickly and beautifully. Here is a photo of the demonstrations done for Fall 2018 classes. Great good challenging questions that really stretch me as a teacher and as an artist!
July 20, 2018. Time for a quick update. Maybe not so quick. I have been busy, classes, a show in Kerrobert that is ongoing, a show on Mayne Island, part of the AGGV art rental show at Nourish restaurant, and in the AGGV small works show. Tomorrow in the Moss Street paint in.
I seem to have caught a mandala fever. Here are a few new ones.
and a few photos from Kerrobert, the show inside the gallery, the outside, the inside again and MY NAME IN LIGHTS! ( a first for me!) The show us up until August 18th. I'll be back on the 16th to give another watercolour workshop.
March 1, 2018 has come very quickly. The Wild anticipation show was a great success. 17 paintings sold, the Tree portrait series delighted me with it's popularity and the mason jars proved their continuing appeal. Thank you to all who support me in my work as an artist.
Wild Anticipation is up and ready for you! January 5 - February 1, 2018
Tuesday to Saturday 10 - 5 pm.

I still have a couple of paintings that I'd like to be finished before the exhibition, but realistically I think I need to let myself finish them during the exhibit. I'll be doing demonstrations on Thursdays so will bring them to those.
Here is another new one - (Goldstream forest, again... 24 X 36" w/c on canvas)
Here is another new one - (Goldstream forest, again... 24 X 36" w/c on canvas)
Packed and Ready!

December 20, 2017
Wild Anticipation is ready for travel to the Martin Bachelor Gallery.
Well almost... I have one more painting that I want to have ready for the exhibition.
October 2018 update- I visited Frances King park today and only the one on the right is still standing.
Wild Anticipation is ready for travel to the Martin Bachelor Gallery.
Well almost... I have one more painting that I want to have ready for the exhibition.
October 2018 update- I visited Frances King park today and only the one on the right is still standing.
Wild Anticipation preview at Victoria Natural History Society
I have been asked to talk about my experiences as artist in residence and just plain travelling artist at VNHS
Natural History Night on Tuesday November 14, 2017. Here is the synopsis.
Wild Anticipation
The ‘wild’ we know is not the wild our ancestors knew. Artist Joanne Thomson has a deep appreciation for the wisdom and efforts of those anticipating the need to preserve wild places. This presentation offers homage to that wisdom through stories, photographs, and paintings from some of those places to inspire the active appreciator and conservationist in you. Come and learn more about Ivvavik NP, Grasslands NP, Francis King CRD Park, Wildwood EFI, Goldstream PP, and St. John’s Point MICS. Joanne will bring some of the paintings to be featured in her solo exhibition at the Martin Bachelor Gallery, 712 Cormorant St., Jan. 5 – Feb. 1, 2018.
Natural History Night on Tuesday November 14, 2017. Here is the synopsis.
Wild Anticipation
The ‘wild’ we know is not the wild our ancestors knew. Artist Joanne Thomson has a deep appreciation for the wisdom and efforts of those anticipating the need to preserve wild places. This presentation offers homage to that wisdom through stories, photographs, and paintings from some of those places to inspire the active appreciator and conservationist in you. Come and learn more about Ivvavik NP, Grasslands NP, Francis King CRD Park, Wildwood EFI, Goldstream PP, and St. John’s Point MICS. Joanne will bring some of the paintings to be featured in her solo exhibition at the Martin Bachelor Gallery, 712 Cormorant St., Jan. 5 – Feb. 1, 2018.
Savory Elementary Mural completed September 2017
The mural was completed in September 2017 and consists of 59 wonderful children's drawings converted into paint and arranged to fly near the front door of the school! The emphasis was on the Garry Oak ecosystem and the flying part was for the school motto. "Together we soar." I added some wild flowers (camas, spring gold, shooting star and blue-eyed mary) and the red flowering currant bush. There was plenty of enthusiasm from the students and teachers as they watched the mural grow. I was serenaded by wonderful singers, dancers and joke tellers during recess and lunch. I was only rained out one day! Thank you to Frances Beckow who helped out on the rain day!
Special thanks for the funders Wild BC and Savory Elementary School Parent Advisory Committee. (and past mural projects who let me take home the left over paints - there were almost enough to do the entire mural!) |
More adventures at Frances King Park
September 20, 2017 I have been busy at the Savory Elementary School mural and took last Friday off to go to Frances King Park for a bit of a wild re-charge. (I keep forgetting to take photos of the Savory mural too. I'll try to fix that today). This is one of the paintings from that trip. It was quite an adventure, when I arrived the forest was full of the Al Fresco Painters and the critters were acting quite differently than usual. Everyone was upset. The Ravens were chortling, the flickers calling, the squirrels absent. I have more images on the Wild Anticipation site.
Saanich Fall Fair 2017
Saanich Fall Fair was good fun again this year. I entered some preserves and won 5 first and 2 second place ribbons! Also a special mention. This photo was taken by Frances, thanks Frances. I frequently forget to take photographs of my set-ups at events like this. The puzzle was very popular and there were not many left in my stash at the end of the weekend.
The St. John's Point button got plenty of attention too. They are still raising money, so if you have an interest in wild places and saving them, they'd love to hear from you. Even if you don't have spare cash, go and have a look at the beautiful photos and videos. |
Salish Sea Art Camp 2017

A good time was had by all, participants and instructors alike. Beautiful setting, great weather and wonderful company. Above some of the participants watch Richard Iredale demonstrating his pliene aire techniques under one of the big tents before we headed out to "the barn".
To the side is the evening life drawing session. Yes they are all looking at a great life model who braved the outdoors and gave us some fabulous poses in the nude.
To the side is the evening life drawing session. Yes they are all looking at a great life model who braved the outdoors and gave us some fabulous poses in the nude.
Dragonfly breathing |
I happened upon this beauty today. Most of the 'cellophane' is gone from it's wings so it cannot fly. This is the first time I have watched a dragonfly 'breathe' and I thought you'd be interested too. If you google dragonfly breathing you'll see I am not the first to notice and if you look further you'll see that they don't have lungs like we do.
I have posted some photographs on the "wild' site. I hope you have some close encounters of your own. j |
Tree Portraits for Wild Anticipation

I have been having fun doing some small watercolour tree portraits. I am choosing old trees like the Hemlock that I found rotting in Cathedral Grove on June 26th. I just finished it yesterday (July 5) and am really pleased with the complexity and harmony it offers. There is something very special about sitting and really looking at an old tree, seeing al the life it supports as it decays and wondering about it's history. More at Wild Anticipation.
Salish Sea Art Camp August 2017
A new venture on my favourite island. August 14- 18 on Mayne Island at the Ravenglass Cidery. We have a website now too with links to contact information, chamber of commerce site etc.
Wild Anticipation coming January 6, 2018 at the Martin Bachelor Gallery
I have taken the plunge and booked the Martin Bachelor Gallery for four weeks in January and I have big plans.
"I get to paint in wild places today because wise hard-working people anticipated the need to set them aside”
The show will feature paintings inspired in Ivvavik National Park, Frances King Park, St. John’s Point Conservation Area, Wildwood Ecoforest, Goldstream Provincial Park and Grasslands National Park and more. I have started a website just for this exhibition it is
"I get to paint in wild places today because wise hard-working people anticipated the need to set them aside”
The show will feature paintings inspired in Ivvavik National Park, Frances King Park, St. John’s Point Conservation Area, Wildwood Ecoforest, Goldstream Provincial Park and Grasslands National Park and more. I have started a website just for this exhibition it is
The Mason Jar series continues to travel...
This summer you'll be able to see a selection of Mason Jar paintings on display at the Government House Tea-room! And there will be a number in the South Shore Gallery small works show at the end of May and at the Women without Borders: Cut Loose exhibition at the Coast Collective, May 17 - 28, 2017. Above is a detail of Mason Jar 229 with daisy chain daisies. Every year I seem to need to make a daisy chain or two!
THRIVE: a future where everything belongs Feb 1 - 18, 2017 at the Gage Gallery
The Show is over and was well received. Thanks to everyone who came out and offered support both monetary and emotional! I am no longer a member of the Gage Artist Collective, so will let you know when and where else to find me in my newsletter. Two shows coming up in May- Small works at South Shore Gallery in Sooke and Women Without Borders: Cut Loose at the Coast Collective in Colwood. j
Two weeks until my show at the Gage. I hope you'll put it on your calendar and join me for some of the special events. I'll also be there every Saturday 11-2pm. If I'm not there one of the Gallery artists will be there so you can still go! I am excited about this show. It is a continuation of the Mason Jar Series into the theme of inclusion/cooperation/space for wild and cultivated places. And a celebration of the forests.
Habitat for Humanity is having a fundraiser this month (August 2016). I have painted a chair for their Take a Seat Event. There are a wonderful variety of chairs by 33 artists. some left them as they were, like I did, others altered them significantly. You can see all of them at:
August 12, 2016 in the Courtyard of the Main library tents were set up and tiles painted for the Canada 150 Mosaic Project. Here are the two that I did for Rocky Point Bird Observatory and Haliburton Farms. The owls will be part of a railroad track (thus the black lines) and the Sunflower will be the middle of a wheel! The location for installation isn't known yet. More info here.
Some images from the Paint-In below. Thanks to Greg Glover for snapping them on my phone for me! I was really busy all day with sales and conversations. Love the photo with someone trying to get my attention with a $20!
My MOSS STREET PAINT-IN location is #106, near Dallas Road between George and May Streets, Kittycorner across from Faithful Street! Hope to see you there. Saturday July 16th 11 -4 pm.
Mason Jars travel to Greenwood and next the Terrace BC.
June 9, 2016. I travelled to Greenwood in May with my Mom and some English relatives. It happened to coincide with the annual Greenwood Art Club exhibition. They welcomed me as a guest artist. My Mom was born in Greenwood so the story of her childhood was similar to many childhood of that time and more recently too!
Murals installed in the stairwell of the Centennial Parkade!
This was a great project funded by the City of Victoria on a Youth Empowerment initiative. Unfortunately the blessing happened during exams for GaHwi Woo and Owen Parnell. Jody graduated in December so could attend. She is standing in front of the mural panel that she designed. For Time Colonist write-up click here.
January 2016. Thank you to everyone who came out to the 300 Mason Jars: an installation at the Gage Gallery this past month. I think I am recovered now from all the excitement. If you missed it and want to see it virtually. Here is a link to a 360 photograph taken of the exhibition by Doug Butler.
I have been haunting the woods and the shores since the show came down. I have missed the green spaces and the pebbly beaches. South Shore Gallery has sold pretty much everything of mine that I took there last year, so that is my priority right now. To make Jessie Taylor Dodd happy again. thanks for your patience Jessie. You are on my list!
I have been haunting the woods and the shores since the show came down. I have missed the green spaces and the pebbly beaches. South Shore Gallery has sold pretty much everything of mine that I took there last year, so that is my priority right now. To make Jessie Taylor Dodd happy again. thanks for your patience Jessie. You are on my list!
December 30, 2015
300 Mason Jars is up and open until January 16th. It was quite a work out getting all those boxes from my place and into the gallery. Luckily the rain stopped for the second day of the installation. 145 paintings in all- 152 paintings of mason jars in those 145 and 309 (or more) jars filled and empty in the gallery. There is a station where you can get saved seeds for nasturtium, cosmos, calendula and money plant. AND a place for you to put your own canning if you want to bring it in place it on the linen runner in the photo below (there are labels in the mason jars to the right). I hope you will come by. I'll be there every Saturday and tomorrow 11 - 2 and 5-9. Artist talks will be on the 1/2 hour during on New Years Eve. Joanne |

December 12, 2015,
That's me in the December issue of FOCUS magazine. A wonderful article by Aaren Madden and a generous selection of images too! Thanks to the editor team at FOCUS for seeing it as a worthwhile story. Here is a link to the online version of the magazine.
That's me in the December issue of FOCUS magazine. A wonderful article by Aaren Madden and a generous selection of images too! Thanks to the editor team at FOCUS for seeing it as a worthwhile story. Here is a link to the online version of the magazine.
The Mural for the Centennial Square Parkade is completed. It will likely be installed in December. I'll post here when I find out the date.
The George Jay Elementary School Mural is now installed and looks fantastic. It is visible from Cook Street. There was a huge community effort to create these murals so many thanks to all the volunteers, School Board staff, teachers, janitors, Parent Advisory Committee members, community sponsors, students and the artist team, Beth Threlfall and Jennifer Johnson. A beautiful legacy.
The George Jay Elementary School Mural is now installed and looks fantastic. It is visible from Cook Street. There was a huge community effort to create these murals so many thanks to all the volunteers, School Board staff, teachers, janitors, Parent Advisory Committee members, community sponsors, students and the artist team, Beth Threlfall and Jennifer Johnson. A beautiful legacy.
June 28, 2015, Wow, coming up soon now. The Bottled series will be featured in an exhibition about breaking silence. This is at the new artist collective I joined in May. I'll be sharing with walls with Sheryl Fisher. Our works will speak to many things often left unspoken. I'll put up a few on a new 'bottled' page too. Check the galleries link.
May 23, 2015, The George Jay Mural has begun! A busy week this week with the finishing of the design using 62 drawings of 'themselves' as done by the students of the school. Then combining the beautiful First Nations designs by Jennifer Johnson and the drawings into a full mural design on to the boards. Jennifer and Beth both got blisters on their knees. I think the crawling around on the floor at the whale project got my knees toughened up! Now the design is on and sealed and we have started painting. There are volunteer opportunities in the next couple of weeks. contact me if you want to be involved. (we are indoors for this one! Nice and warm! The finished mural will be mounted on the school once seismic upgrades are completed. j

May 23, 2015 The Whale Project is nearing completion. It should be up by the end of June. I had great fun with volunteers and the crew involved. Here are some photos from the May work days. We are working to cover up the repairs on the bones. To the left is the shop as I left it on Saturday after three days of solo painting to make the repairs disappear. Tricky given the density of the repair material is so much higher than the density of the bones. This whale is going to be breaching out of the 'water' at the Vancouver Island University Marine Research Field Station at Deep Bay.

March 2, 2015, I have hit my stride at the Francis King Artist in Residence Pilot Project and am really having fun now. Bones have been my subject for the past week as I attempt to channel Georgia in Emily’s playground. I have decided that I am much too cheerful to successfully channel either of them, but the contemplation is fun and the works are pleasing me.
The first open house is this Saturday March 7th from 10 – 4 pm and I hope you can come out and enjoy the art and walk in the beautiful park. I cannot sell works in the park so you’ll be free to comment and admire without any pressure to purchase! AND I’ll doing some demonstrations (the fawn lilies may even be in bloom- they are budding- and I’ll have a colouring table set up for kids on the deck). Bring your paints and sketchbooks and join in!
Just in: There will be a short segment on Shaw TV's Go Island until Wednesday this week. Here is the link for the online version. It will be up later today:
CRD Artist Residency at Francis King Park: Munn Road, just off Prospect Lake Road. Open House at Forester’s Cabin: 10am – 4 pm
Saturday March 7 Friday March 20 Saturday March 21
The first open house is this Saturday March 7th from 10 – 4 pm and I hope you can come out and enjoy the art and walk in the beautiful park. I cannot sell works in the park so you’ll be free to comment and admire without any pressure to purchase! AND I’ll doing some demonstrations (the fawn lilies may even be in bloom- they are budding- and I’ll have a colouring table set up for kids on the deck). Bring your paints and sketchbooks and join in!
Just in: There will be a short segment on Shaw TV's Go Island until Wednesday this week. Here is the link for the online version. It will be up later today:
CRD Artist Residency at Francis King Park: Munn Road, just off Prospect Lake Road. Open House at Forester’s Cabin: 10am – 4 pm
Saturday March 7 Friday March 20 Saturday March 21

February 7, 2015
Day one of the CRD AIR, rainy, cool, large drops falling from the trees overhead whenever the wind blew and a palette rearrangement by a small dog, so all told not too bad. I am settled into the Forester's Cabin now with just a few more things to take tomorrow. It is tempting to just paint what I can see out the windows, but then I wouldn't have hear the frogs. j
Day one of the CRD AIR, rainy, cool, large drops falling from the trees overhead whenever the wind blew and a palette rearrangement by a small dog, so all told not too bad. I am settled into the Forester's Cabin now with just a few more things to take tomorrow. It is tempting to just paint what I can see out the windows, but then I wouldn't have hear the frogs. j
February 5, 2015 Here is the link to the CTV video about the Love a Slug Program at Francis King Park: There will be another one coming that features me as an artist. This one really features slugs and my little cousin Talullah.

January 31, 2015
Only a week now until I begin my artist in residence at Francis King Park. Yesterday I was part of two film shoots, one about the artist in residence and the other about the 'Love a Slug or snail' event. Quite challenging for me and quite exciting too. I am posting the schedule for the residency and the open studio times so you can plan your visits. If these times don't work then send me an email and I'll see if we can arrange another time.
(the violets are already blooming, mushrooms are abundant and we saw three banana slugs and a mosquito yesterday! )
Only a week now until I begin my artist in residence at Francis King Park. Yesterday I was part of two film shoots, one about the artist in residence and the other about the 'Love a Slug or snail' event. Quite challenging for me and quite exciting too. I am posting the schedule for the residency and the open studio times so you can plan your visits. If these times don't work then send me an email and I'll see if we can arrange another time.
(the violets are already blooming, mushrooms are abundant and we saw three banana slugs and a mosquito yesterday! )

January 6, 2015. Happy New Year. I hope you had a good one. I spent a lovely time on Hornby Island just by myself, well there were other people there and many, many birds. I also finished up some painting I had started over the years and not completed. A few are on the small paintings site.
AND in December I dropped in on the Labyrinth some of you helped me stomp into the ground out at Coast Collective in the Spring of 2014. It is wonderful! Others have been participating in the stomping since then and it looks really wonderful, though you do need rubber boots to walk it at this time of the year! Thanks so much to all those who have been walking it and keeping the trail defined.
AND in December I dropped in on the Labyrinth some of you helped me stomp into the ground out at Coast Collective in the Spring of 2014. It is wonderful! Others have been participating in the stomping since then and it looks really wonderful, though you do need rubber boots to walk it at this time of the year! Thanks so much to all those who have been walking it and keeping the trail defined.
December 11, 2014 already. I am late with my December newsletter and with updating this website. Life is sometimes busy! Here are two small arbutus paintings I just dropped off at South Shore Gallery. One started as a class demo and the other I did just for the joy of it. I haven't painted arbutus for almost a year. I had forgotten how much I love them.
November 7, 2014 Last month saw my open house. Here is an images with almost all of the Mason Jar images that were on display.

September 10, 2014,
I am just back from a magical trip to Saskatchewan (where all the participants gave me a rating of 5+ on a scale of 1-5). Well back for a few days now and two days since I sent out my newsletter. Here are the promised photographs of the retreat. |
Sunsets, sky, space and then more space. Wind and storms and sunshine in quick succession and wonderful adaptable women! I'll go again, next time as a student!
j |

July has been a busy month. The residency at Fort Rodd Hill first, then a trip to Kerr Creek in support of the Mason Jar Project and now I am finishing off a community Mural in James Bay at the Cedar Townhouses. Great community input in the design and in the painting of the mural. We are on the home stretch now!

July 2-6 saw me as artist in residence at Fort Rodd Hill, Fisgard Lighthouse National Park. Here is what I did there!

The Solstice Art and Nature Retreat for 2014 was filled with laughter, tears, great art making, sunshine, sunset and fabulous food. This image is of the candle mandala we made on Saturday night. It glowed and flickered for an hour or more through stories and songs.
There is also a place for you to sign up for my newsletter. I only send them out once a month to let you know about classes, exhibitions , community projects and such. I also use that list to invite you to special events.